How to buy ALF on PinkSale

2 min readDec 14, 2021
  1. Go to

2. In the upper right corner, click the “Connect”

Press “Metamask”

Put in your password

choose your account

Press Connect

you can now see that your wallet has connected to the site.

make sure your wallet has enough BNB to buy the token (minimum 0.11–0.12 BNB (0.1 + tx fee buy, claim, sell)

2. now you have to wait until 17:00 UTC

3. If your wallet is on the whitelist you will see a buy button.

4. enter the purchase amount from 0.1 to 2 BNB and press “Buy”. This screenshot shows a different project

5. Metamask window will appear to confirm the transaction. Just click to confirm.

6. Wait for transaction confirmation

Then you will see that you have bought a certain number of ALF tokens

You will see the Claim button, but it will become active when we finish the presale

Then you will need to click it and get your tokens into your wallet




ALF.Finance is a new MEME BEP20 token with own Launchpad and STAKE platform.